We are very proud of what our program participants and the community have accomplished together. See what they have to say.
“When I am with friends out in the community I am happy to be with them”
- Person served
“As a parent of a young adult with disabilities I am very pleased with the services and training provided by PSI for my son. We are both excited for what the future holds for him with all the training and coaching he has been receiving over the years at PSI.”
- Parent of program participant
“I think that what goes on at PSI is so incredible and fantastic; I am so thankful for all of your great work. We are lucky to have you in our lives”
- Parent of program participant
“PSI provides a great employment training opportunity for the clients that I work with, many having been there for years and wishing to retire there.”
- North Bay Regional Center Service Coordinator
“Thank you for continuing to provide quality services and for being an integral part of our business.”
- Community employer
“Our intern is doing great, she gets along well with the staff and takes feedback well. She noticed we were short staffed and offered to stay and help. I thought that showed initiative and I was very impressed! We love having her here.”
- Community employer
The growth and experience that comes from working at PSI often serves as a bridge to community employment. Kim has worked diligently over the last few years on a contract wrapping high-end bars of soap. This work requires very detailed and accurate work. When she identified a desire to work in an environment serving animals, she was able to transfer her skills to a community internship at a local spay and neuter clinic. Kim now uses her detailed skills to prepare vet packs which includes sterilizing and wrapping surgical instruments for the clinic. The veterinary clinic staff appreciate her work as well as her personality!
Justin became a member of his local Kiwanis Club two years ago. He has demonstrated tremendous community involvement and participation in activities that give back to the Napa community. His fellow club members appreciate his contribution and they support his growth and involvement. These relationships have fostered his independence, and encouraged him to follow his dreams. He has had a desire to work at the local radio station alongside several of his fellow club members. This dream was realized when he was offered a position of Facilities Ambassador through a paid internship as the station.
Chris had a desire to live the life of most young adults, but found himself with no job and no social outlets. After receiving support from his PSI job coach, his world opened up to much greater opportunities. He developed a routine of getting up in the morning to go to a local Boys and Girls club to volunteer, then moved on to a position which would provide him with more opportunity to practice customer service skills. He joined a local gym, and began to develop a lifestyle that was more in alignment with his dream. Now, he has obtained a paid job at an amusement park and no longer relies on a job coach for support.